Career Advice
November 26, 2021

Building Company Culture in a Remote Setting

Building Company Culture in a Remote Setting

The pandemic brought many changes to society, especially in the professional landscape as loads of companies started to work remotely. Research has shown that 71% of the workforce is currently operating from home, a huge jump from the 20% seen pre-pandemic. The same study found that 54% of people would prefer to continue working remotely once everything returns to normal.

With that, businesses need to cultivate company culture despite the challenges an online workplace can present. This will ensure that employees remain engaged and connected and that teamwork and rapport are still present among them. Here are some of the ways you can do this:

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Keep Communication Lines Open

The lack of physical interactions between employees can lead to a drop in internal communications, which in turn is a problem that can lead to more complications. The Harvard Business Review found that one of the top complaints from employees stems from a lack of conversations between leadership and workers. Not only does this affect engagement between staff members, but it can also cause problems in collaboration.

There are many ways business leaders can promote better communication in their company. This can range from encouraging input from employees, putting an emphasis on transparency, and cultivating a culture of authenticity. Integrating this into company culture will help company members feel more unified and connected while working physically apart.

Have Teambuilding Activities

Another way to cultivate company culture is to have activities that strengthen the bonds between employees. You can arrange workshops and seminars that promote interpersonal relationships between members of the business. This will also help build professional skills, as well as foster healthy psychosocial/emotional practices to help them find coping strategies (like exercise, meditation, and social networking) to counter the stresses that come with remote work.

Teambuilding activities can be organized to cater to an online setup and can be easily done. Business heads can take their employees' interests into account or they can reach out to individuals who can help organize an event for them. Professionals with organizational leadership degrees may be your best bet as they're well versed in creating efficient and effective plans to encourage healthy professional relationships. The activities they come up with can even promote interdepartmental interaction despite the online landscape. Teambuilding activities are proven to work for both physical and remote work setups to cultivate a positive working environment.

Make Employee Health and Wellness a Priority

Creating a culture that prioritizes your employee’s health and happiness will let your workers know that your company cares about them. This will help increase their loyalty to the business and make sure that they are all in optimum conditions to get their job done effectively. Since the pandemic changed the way many companies function, the emphasis on holistic wellness has never been more important.

Allot paid days off that your workers can use when they are not feeling well physically or mentally. Employees who are not feeling well will not be able to work efficiently, affecting the quality of their work. This can easily have a negative impact on the overall workflow, so letting them take a day off for their mental health may just benefit your company as well. Prioritizing their health and wellness will not only create a culture that cares for employees but also encourages them to be their best when they are operating for your company.

Company culture can be a big contributing factor to your employee efficiency and retention. This is why in a remote landscape, it is important to cultivate one that focuses on their needs and cares for them.

Submitted by Natalie Fields for

An introduction about Natalie:

Natalie Fields previously worked as an HR specialist and consultant for different corporate companies. She has made a career shift to writing in the last three years and is now happily pursuing her passion. During her downtime, she likes to go on long walks with her two dogs Amy and Bailey.

Thanks Natalie for your contribution 🙌🏻✨!