Software Development
March 24, 2022

What Are The Best Online Coding Courses For Beginners?

What Are The Best Online Coding Courses For Beginners?

What Are The Best Online Coding Courses For Beginners?

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Writing code is not nearly as easy as it may seem. You have to understand how the computer works to write code that will work properly. But for people who aren’t engineers, getting started learning about coding can be a little tricky. This is where online coding courses come in. However, some courses aren't exactly beginner-friendly. Today, we've rounded up some of the best online coding courses for beginners by checking the reviews and testimonials of hundreds of options! Here's what we recommend:

1. Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python

Complete Python BootCamp: Go From Zero to Hero by Jose Portilla at Udemy is an excellent course for learning Python. It's easy to understand, thorough, interesting, practical, and all of that comes at a reasonable price. If you want to learn Python in 2021 and beyond, this course is for you!

In practically every field, Python has taken the globe by storm and has been embraced by large companies like Google and Netflix so learning this language is well worth the time and effort you put into it.

The Python course walks you through all of the basics before it tackles even more complex concepts. It's designed for those who are new to coding, those who have little experience and no previous knowledge, or even those who have some understanding but want to learn Python from scratch.

If you're looking to become successful in your career or start one as a programmer, this is the course for you!

2. Java Programming Masterclass covering Java 11 & Java 17

There are 356 lectures in this course, and it takes 76 hours to complete it. Students of various levels are included in the target audience. More than 230,000 students have already taken the course at the time of this writing, which lends credence to its material.

Oracle Corp.'s Java Development & Runtime Environments versions 8 and 9 were taken into consideration when developing The Complete Java Masterclass. Updated versions of Java 10 are included, but the instructor still concentrates on long-term support versions to ensure that course materials remain stable. It's still valid for the most recent version of the software, though.

It is structured in a way that each topic is accompanied by source code and a challenge based on real-world situations. Learners are tasked with applying the knowledge they recently learned to common software development issues.

With HD videos and Google translate-powered subtitles in a variety of languages, the content is of the highest quality and presented with professionalism. This broadens the course's potential audience to include people from all around the world.

3. iOS 13 & Swift 5 The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp

Compared to other courses, this one has a reasonable pace and is constantly accompanied by tasks that have already been put up for you, making it easier to learn.

I've noticed that a lot of free online YouTube courses basically go over the programming basics and then go on to the projects. When they reach OOP, the majority of students are likely to become discouraged and possibly give up (the concepts in classes, when programming language first gets very conceptual and abstract). Many students are put off by the fact that programming languages can get increasingly abstract as they advance through the curriculum.

Angela has consistently brought in proper projects. Students can concentrate on the learning process rather than the set-up of project files. The tasks chosen for this course are perfectly suited to the next study of computer programming topics that will be presented. Angela, on the other hand, prefers to start with the projects and then go into specific programming ideas as necessary.

Using this method, you'll not only have a lot of fun while working on projects, but you'll also be able to establish a solid foundation as you go.

4. Complete C# Unity Developer 2D: Learn to Code Making Games

Active learning has been proven to have a significant impact on the development of scientific skills in research studies. "I don't want you to learn this, so go do the research yourself" has been the message of many active learning courses.

As a Complete C# Unity Developer 2D: Learn to Code. Making Games is a project-based course with a higher than the average number of tasks. For me, learning C# and Unity with this method is the greatest way to do so. Learning how to develop real-world independent games is a lot more fun than just reading about it.

Even though this course has a lot of challenging tasks, they all fit well with what we learned throughout the course. All the project files will also be provided, as well as other references and resources, so you can always go back and verify.

The Bottom Line

These are some of the best online coding courses for beginners that we recommend. At the time of this writing, they all have at least 90% positive reviews, which should speak volumes about their quality. Remember that you can always go back and review what you have learned again in your free time. The purpose of these courses is not just to teach you how to program (though it definitely will), but how to think like a programmer when developing your projects using a programming language.

Guest Writer Bio:
Chatty is a freelance writer from Manila. She finds joy in inspiring and educating others through writing. That's why aside from her job as a language evaluator for local and international students, she spends her leisure time writing about various topics such as lifestyle, technology, and business.