May 20, 2022

12 Tips to Select Colors and Fonts for Your Websites

12 Tips to Select Colors and Fonts for Your Websites

12 Tips to Select Colors and Fonts for Your Websites

Credit: Freepik

You have finalized your product and now it is time to set up your website! 

The colors and fonts on your website speak for your brand. The design of your website will be the image that people have when people talk about your brand. Choosing the right colors and fonts will help to build the brand in the long run. 

Selecting Website Color Palettes

  1. Learn about color psychology

Each color reflects a different meaning. For example, the universal meaning of black is elegance and power. Red reflects passion and energy, while blue portrays masculinity and peace.

Consider your audience background and cultural sensitivity as well when choosing your website color palettes.

Learn about Design Sensitivity: Understanding The Cultural Palette.

  1. Determine your company’s identity

Choose color palettes that will set your company’s identity. You want an audience to remember your brand, hence color palettes play a role for the audience to recognize your brand from a glance.

For example, Facebook can be recognized by its blue color. Instagram is recognized with its red-magenta color and Coca Cola is well-known with its red color.

Create a statement through your color.

        3. Set audience mood

What kind of emotions would you like to stir when an audience visits your website Approachable? Love? Feeling that they are on holiday?       

The color palettes of your choice should be able to set your audience's mood. For example, a  website that is promoting tropical island holidays could
have yellowish bright colors that make audiences feel that they are on a tropical island already!

       4. Maintain consistency

Maintain the color palettes consistency throughout your website. Avoid drastic color changes in different pages unless it is necessary, such as landing pages            for campaigns or special events for the month.

       5. Seek  color palettes resources
Get inspiration from different websites and choose color palettes that align with your company’s brand. 
View the 50 Gorgeous Color Schemes From Award-Winning Websites.

  1. Get feedback

Share the website color palettes with your team and stakeholders. Provide the rationale behind your decision. Get their feedback and reflect on their input. 

Selecting Fonts for Websites

  1. Learn about typography

Get to know about the art of typography and how you can implement some features to your website font.

For example, learn about hierarchy, grids, balance, and space.

       2. Choose a font that speaks for your brand

Your font should be able to represent your brand tone and identity.

For example, you can distinguish between a font on Halloween and Christmas Day. The font creates the vibes for the event; Halloween-scary mood, while Christmas- jolly feeling.

What are the emotions you would want your audience to feel while scanning through your website?

      3. Think about readability

The most important thing is - is your font readable? Prevent yourself from torturing your audience's eyes with fancy looking fonts that is non-readable.

      4. Match your font choice with design purpose

Ensure that your font compliments your website design. Your font helps to emphasize the meaning behind your website design and the company’s identity to your audience.

       5. Seek for fonts resources

Seek for inspiration from different websites and choose the font that is aligned with your company’s identity.

View the 50 Best Free Fonts for Designers in 2022.

     6. Get feedback

Share the font of your choice with your team and stakeholders. Provide the rationale behind your decision. Get their feedback and reflect on their input.