January 19, 2024

Generative AI and Creative Work: Explore the Powerful Link

Generative AI and Creative Work: Explore the Powerful Link

Most creative professionals will agree with poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s words: “Art is long and time is fleeting.”

Whether it’s a painting, video, or text-based content, creative work involves a lot of perspiration and inspiration. But what if there was a magic wand to produce incredible content in quick time without all the pain?

Generative AI, such as this AI script assistant, can help you do just that.

Video via YouTube

In this article, we will explore the impact generative AI will have on creative work in 2023 and beyond, and how it could revolutionize the way we create content.

What Is Generative AI?

Generative AI (artificial intelligence) is a field of machine learning where AI is used to create new content.  

This is done by training the model on a dataset of examples and then using the trained model to generate new data such as images, text, or audio similar to the ones it was trained on.

There are many components of the generative AI system including:

  • Input data - the training data
  • Pre-processing modules - cleans up the data before processing
  • Feature extraction layers - extracts key features from raw data
  • Neural network and algorithms - processes the data
  • Post-processing modules - refines the data before the output is given out

Generative AI has multiple use cases, right from generating code, creating ecommerce marketing content, to chatbots and other conversational applications.

As per this Attrock article AI is playing a big role in boosting ecommerce business with an instant response to customers and more personalized recommendations.

But what’s the connection between generative AI and creative work?

The Impact of a Collaboration Between Generative AI and Creative Work

Generative AI and creative work are intricately connected with the technology allowing creators to write new content faster, cheaper and with more variations.

It also can assist human creators in the creative process by providing new ideas and inspiration.

The incredibly diverse generative AI models can work with a wide range of inputs including text, images, structured data, program code, voice recordings, and more.

They can generate new content from text, answers to questions, new style of images, sentiment analysis, and even complete a rough sketch. It’s so powerful that many industries, even the recruitment industry, have also started using it to hire more creatively & effectively.  

Here are some examples of how generative AI and creative work are linked:

1. Generating New Visual Content

Generative AI models can be trained on images or videos to learn the patterns and features and generate new images or videos.

This can be used to speed up generation of new artwork, design new product prototypes, create overlay images, or add other special effects.

Text-to-image, speech-to-text, and image-to-image programs are already changing how art, content, animation, architecture, and games are being created.

For example, Midjourney, a generative AI system, produces stunning images from text inputs.

Image via Midjourney

A designer used this generative AI for his creative work, a book titled Alice and Sparkle, that he wrote and published in just 2 days.

Image via Twitter

A recent example of the synergy between generative AI and creative work is when an entry submitted by Jason M. Allen, won the first prize at an art competition conducted by Colorado State Fair. He used Midjourney to produce this stunning image.

Image via NY Times

Heinz used Dall-E 2, an artificial intelligence program that creates images from textual descriptions, for a creative marketing campaign.

Image via YouTube

Heinz asked the AI to create images based on the input “ketchup,” and the image generated resembles the signature branding of the company.

Heinz also asked the AI to generate images based on quirky and fun prompts such as “ketchup renaissance,” ketchup tarot card, and “ketchup stained glass.”

Image via YouTube

The images that came up are fine examples of how generative AI and creative work are linked. It helps them to create a good number of outbound sales for their “ketchup”.

Generative AI can produce videos, images, videos, and content that are interesting and are of higher quality than what is created by humans, making it a great addition to your content writing tools.

This is because AI models are trained on a massive amount of data and are able to identify patterns/styles that humans may miss.

Here’s an example of what a collaboration between generative AI and creative work looks like.

A generative AI system called Stable Diffusion produced the image given below when I gave these text prompts:

  • Oil painting
  • Impressionist
  • Red white golden
  • Watercolor
  • Canvas
  • Koi fish
Image via Dezgo

Generative AI can also transform one image into another. While there are many variants of this type of generative AI, here I’m highlighting two types:

Style transfer: Here, the AI extracts a reference image’s style (such as a famous painting or pop art) style and applies it to a new image.

To test this type of generative AI, I submitted this image from Greenpeace’s video.

Image via YouTube

And, the AI turned it into this pop art.

Image via Fotor

Sketch-to-images: Here, an artist can start with a rough sketch and the generative AI ‘synthesizes” and completes the realistic image.

Image via ACM Digital Library

Generating New Music And Audio

Generative AI models can be trained to compose music, create sound effects, or generate new voiceovers.

They not only automate tasks such as arranging music, sequencing of notes, and creating harmonies, but help musicians and artists explore new sounds, rhythm, and melodies.

Researchers at Google have tested a generative AI approach in which the AI system generates piano music and realistic speech based on audio inputs. If you're interested in enhancing your website, you can also explore options like the best Google Review Widget to embed your business's reviews.

Interestingly, the AI system, called AudioLM, is trained on audio inputs only and does not require musical notes/symbols.

In this video link below, you can listen to the piano music generated by the AI based on speech inputs.

Video via Google

Of course, there are many other generative AI chatbot systems that are trained differently, but have the same capabilities.

Dance Diffusion, for instance, is an algorithm trained on hundreds of hours of songs and generates new music based on the training data.

Many musicians have leveraged the combined power of generative AI and creative work. American musician and composer, Holly Herndon and Jerrilynn Patton (Jlin) released “Godmother,” a song created using Spawn, a generative AI.

Image via Google Arts & Culture

There are other platforms that streamline music generation for marketers, creative professionals, and content creators looking to develop sound or soundtracks for podcasts, games, or movies.

Some generative AI systems have preset music styles and editing capabilities. Others allow you to customize structures and instruments with a few clicks.

There are also generative AI models such as MuseNet that can mimic both modern and legendary composers like Mozart.

Image via OpenAI

Generating New Text

The collaboration between generative AI and creative work extends to text data.

Systems such as AI-text-video-generators can be trained on text data to learn the patterns and features of the training data.

Once trained, these models can generate new text that is similar to the training data.

Creative professionals, marketers, and content creators use such an AI system to write new articles, compose new poetry, or generate new scripts for movies and TV shows.

One of the examples of this generative AI system is ChatGPT that is designed to mimic human conversation by using a natural language processing engine.

Here’s what I got when I provided this prompt to ChatGPT:

“Write a story in Jeffrey Archer's style about how an AI system that generates creative work takes away jobs of humans.”

Image via ChatGPT

To use AI systems such as ChatGPT, you still need to provide a text input by typing the prompt.

And, with most content creators focusing on different types of marketing video content, they need generative AI systems that help create video scripts instantly, such as BIGVU.

Image via YouTube

BIGVU's speech to text AI is a powerful tool that can transcribe speech into text in real time.

This can be useful for a number of different applications, including generating teleprompter text, live captioning, transcription of interviews or speeches, and more.

The speech to text AI is powered by a deep learning algorithm that has been trained on a large dataset of audio recordings. This allows it to accurately transcribe speech in a variety of accents and languages.  

The best part is that you just need to provide 10 seconds of speech input to help the AI understand what your video is all about.

The generative AI model takes over and generates the entire teleprompter text that you can use to fast track your video production.

Here’s an example of what BIGVU’s speech-to-text AI can generate based on a 10-second input.

Image via YouTube

It is accurate and fast, making it perfect for students and professionals such as online coaches, online course creators, and content creators who need to quickly record their videos without spending hours writing the video script.

AI blog writers tools such as these can help blogging experts generate personalized content/videos/images based on their or their target audiences’ preferences.

For example, BIGVU’s AI tool instantly generates tailored content based on your speech inputs in addition to automatically generating subtitles and captions.

Final Thoughts

With generative AI providing a never-ending stream of possibilities, and creative professionals bringing their own expertise and experience to the table, the sky's the limit in terms of what could be achieved.

Concerns remain, however, about the ethical, legal, and moral implications of generative AI. Despite this, by the end of 2023, generative AI will have had a dramatic impact on creative work.

With more tools and resources to help generate ideas, content creators can take their creativity to the next level and create personalized experiences with unprecedented speed and efficiency.

It is an exciting time for the creative industry; only time will tell what amazing things we are capable of creating when empowered by generative AI!