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February 26, 2022

ADPList and Unblock Signs Partnership to Co-Produce Exclusive Chinese Design Original Sessions.

ADPList and Unblock Signs Partnership to Co-Produce Exclusive Chinese Design Original Sessions.

ADPList is partnering with Unblock to champion education in design influence around the world. This partnership aims to create monthly Original Sessions on design topics natively on ADPList for the community in both communities worldwide. 

About ADPList

ADPList is on a mission to Give Every Person The Freedom To Grow Together. We inspire the world by providing a platform where people can find, book and meet mentors from over 40+ countries worldwide - from 1:1s to group sessions.

About Unblock

Unblock is a design and tech group of creators that aims to nurture the next design leaders in tech in the coming 20 years. We provide knowledge in product design, UX/UI, service design, brand design and product management, ranging from hard to soft skills. Unblock is a platform that brings international talents and content to the Chinese-speaking audience.

“We are excited to partner with Unblock and to create original sessions for our global community, this will help us build a broader audience in parts of Asia and diversify this community together with new session in Mandarin language” says Felix Lee, Co-Founder & CEO of ADPList. “We believe that by partnering with Unblock, this empowers us to be a more diverse and open community together, I’m truly excited as this is in line with the spirit of our mission.”
“This is such an exciting collaboration as ADPlist and Unblock’s missions align. By this partnership, we hope to give back to the Chinese-speaking design communities and amplify that with ADPlist’s magnificent reach and network. ” says George Chang, Founder of Unblock.

To kickstart this partnership, ADPList and Unblock will be hosting its first exclusive group sessions on “Design influence: let’s be real.”. In this sessions, we will go through design influence in a specific domain(design team, marketing, stakeholders, clients, leaders, product) each month. This exclusive virtual event will be hosted on Wednesday, 16 March 2022 at 9AM (SGT).


(Translated Chinese Edition)

ADPList 與 Unblock 將偕手製作獨家中文設計講座

ADPList 將與 Unblock 合力製作設計教育系列講座,這項合作案將專注在每月在 ADPList 上推出設計相關的「專屬團體講座」給使用中文的和全球的設計族群。

有關 ADPList

ADPList 致力於「提供每個人共同成長的自由」。我們為全世界的使用者提供一個平台來搜尋、預約、會見來自全世界超過 40 個國家的導師,課程形式涵蓋一對一到團體課程。

關於 Unblock

Unblock 由一群設計與技術相關創作者組成,專注在培養未來 20 年的科技設計領導人。我們提供產品設計、UX/UI、服務設計、品牌設計和產品管理相關知識,資訊涵蓋實際技術和軟實力。Unblock 將國際人才和資訊帶給使用中文的觀眾。


在這系列的團體講座,我們將討論資深設計師需要重點影響的重要領域,從直接相關的設計團隊到利益關係人、客戶、行銷夥伴,管理階層和產品團隊。Unblock 創辦人 George Chang 將會與這些領域的專家進行對話,這些專家在工作上有許多在這些領域策略性領導的經驗。

ADPList CEO 和 共同創辦人 Felix Lee 表示:「我們很高興能與 Unblock 一起為全球觀眾製作專屬講座,這系列中文講座能幫助我們拓展觀眾群至部份亞洲地區,讓這個社群更多元化。我們相信與 Unblock 的合作能使我們成為更多元化、更開放的社群。我非常期待這項合作,因為 Unblock 與我們有相同的理念。」
Unblock 創辦人 George Chang 表示:「我們很高興能看到 ADPList 和 Unblock 有共同的理念,並且能夠合作。Unblock 期望回饋給使用中文的設計族群,並藉由 ADPList 擴大效益和拓展網絡。」

這項合作的第一步,ADPList 和 Unblock 將舉辦第一場專屬團體講座 「設計影響力:實話實說」。講座上,我們會依序討論不同領域 (設計團隊、行銷夥伴,利益關係人、客戶、管理階層和產品團隊)。這次講座預定每月一次,從2022年3月至8月為期6個月。

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