Career Advice
May 25, 2022

UX Bootcamp vs UX degree: Which one is suitable for you?

UX Bootcamp vs  UX degree: Which one is suitable for you?

UX Bootcamp vs  UX degree: Which one is suitable for you?

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

So you have decided to pursue your career in UX but have a dilemma on which education route to pursue? Chillax, because in this blog, our mentor- Jagriti Pande the Founder of UX Gorilla in India will share the pros and cons of both UX education: UX Bootcamp and UX degree.

What is UX Bootcamp?

A UX Bootcamp is an intensive design course that contains advanced designs curriculums. The duration of a UX Bootcamp is varied and depends on the type of courses available.

For example, Remote UX Bootcamps, Brain Station Bootcamp, and Springboard UX Bootcamp.

What is a UX degree?

A UX degree is a course where you study the design syllabus in an educational institution that usually takes up to 3 years to be completed.

View the list of Top UX Schools.

The Pros and Cons of a UX Bootcamp and a UX Degree

Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels

  • Time
    Be aware of the time you have. Are you in need of UX design knowledge in an urgent manner, perhaps UX Bootcamp could support you but ask yourself whether you are dedicated enough to join a UX Bootcamp? Design school takes 3 years and the advantage of this is that you can take as much time to study.
  • Money
    UX Bootcamp courses could be as expensive as a college degree fee. If you have time but are facing a financial issue, a UX degree would be suitable for you. If you do not have much time, then you can consider a UX Bootcamp.
  • The course Instructor/Lecturer
    Who is the person that is going to teach you? Do some background research on whether the instructor could support you in giving you the knowledge or skills that you are seeking for. Consider the placement environment, the study place exposure. Some people feel more confident and better at studying in college and there is nothing wrong with that.


About UX Bootcamp

  1. Do not expect that you will learn foundation stuff.
  2. Bootcamp=military.
  3. There are drop-off cases; absenteeism.
  4. Self-education; you need to do a lot of self-education beforehand.
  5. You are expected to have a portfolio that you can work on
  6. Get to know who is going to teach you as this is an investment.
  7. Some Bootcamps offer jobs while some do not. 
  8. Hold accountable for Bootcamp promises; what you will gain from the Bootcamp. 

About UX Degree (Design School)

  1. Could support you to get a job.
  2. Sometimes a UX degree makes you feel more confident; a form of validation.
  3. Better environment, similar age group, better understanding with one another. Day-to-day access to peers and mentors.
  4. You have 2 years to experiment during your course.

How to know whether you should self-educate yourself?

  • Take a look at the job description. See what you need to be good at; the skills you need.
  • Self-assessments give an idea of where you are at. Highlight what is good and what is not. Work on your weaknesses. 
  • Learn about communication and empathy skills as you will be working with different types of people from different backgrounds. 
  • Always be curious to self-educate yourself.

What does UX Bootcamp have to offer? 

  • Better and updated curriculum.
    Some design schools are lacking in curriculum and it does not make sense to learn to be a UX designer.

  • Better access to the industry experts.
    Design schools might need a lot of paperwork to get access to mentors. This could make you feel a lack of confidence that they will have your back when in need.

  • Improve your design skills.
    Visual skills UI, UX problem-solving skills, communication skills, give you the confidence to present your portfolio and better UX career preparation.

  • Know what you don’t know.
    Show up during your Bootcamp program, do your assignments, actively ask questions, work on your case studies, leverage the community sessions

Sign of red flags for Bootcamps

  1. Promise a job in a month
    If you see something is off or impossible claims, ask the person who is in charge of the Bootcamp or get as much information as you can on the Bootcamp.

    For example, review the curriculum to give you a heads up on what you will be learning.

  2. Only teach UI instead of UX
    Not teaching the strategy or thinking design part.

  3. Being pushy for you to join the program
    If the people are making you feel small and not confident about yourself, run!

“Degree is not equal to education. Education is your responsibility. It continues forever. Education is your responsibility. Keep educating yourself.” - Jagriti.

Read about Top 10 Bootcamp Courses To Get Started as UI/UX Designer.

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Jagriti Pande (ADPList Mentor)
Founder at UX Gorilla
ADPList Profile: 
LinkedIn account: 

Editor and Writer:
Farah Radzi
Content Marketer and Writer at ADPList
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